Email Campaign Management!

welcomeTired of sending your email blasts?  Just don’t have the time?

We’ll do it for you …quickly and correctly!

We have a special deal for you.

The overall objective for this project is to help you be more productive by offloading your newsletter management to us.


In addition to giving you more time to focus on your business, we’ll also help you get better results from your email marketing by providing feedback and support related to content, clicks and conversions.


In order to help you achieve these goals, we’ll manage all aspects of your newsletter for you, including creating, segmenting, testing, sending, tracking and reporting. We can also advise on content and consult on ways to improve your results.

Project Outline:

Over the course of this engagement, we’ll work together in a number of different ways to help you achieve the results you want.

The first thing we’ll do is create a workspace for your project inside an online tool called Basecamp. This is where we collaborate and share ideas, documents and credentials securely. Basecamp also helps to keep everyone involved in the project coordinated and working together effectively.

Then, each time you want to send a campaign, you will send us your content. We will format it and send it based on your instructions.

Each Campaign will run like this:

  • First, you provide us with all details, content and images at least 7 days prior to scheduled send date.
    Content and image can all be uploaded in whatever format is convenient for you.
    Details include all the specifics of the Campaign like the List and Template names, etc. Most of these details will be the same for each Campaign, so we’ll only need to gather this info once if it’s not changing from one Campaign to the next.
  • Then, we’ll build the Campaign to your specifications and send a test to the addresses provided.
  • Next, you’ll approve the Campaign so we know it’s good.
  • After we have your approval, we’ll schedule it to go out on the Send Date.

Here’s what to do next:

Sign up for this service, select how many blasts per month and we will get this set up for you and start sending your email campaigns!

There is a one time set up fee of $125 that is added to your first months order
Your total amount (including one time set up fee of $125 and first month service fee) is: $250.00
Your monthly service fee will be: $375.00



Questions?   Shoot us an email and we will be happy to help!